Joe Curtis Photography

Client Access

View Your Images

Please enter your private access code to view your photos.

(Can't remember your access code? Just drop me an email.)



Client Area FAQ'S

The answers in this section ONLY apply to the client area and NOT the 'Print Shop'.

Wait! I thought you said in the ‘About’ section that you don't take on photography jobs?

And I don't! This area is for private collections of photos for people to order (for example family / friends’ portraits) or any special requests I receive.

How Does The Client Access Area Work?

The Client Access Area Usage Steps:

1. To access your private collection of photos you first need to enter the code I have supplied to you in the following box located at the top of this page:











(Note that the above picture won't allow the code to be entered, you need to scroll up to the top of the page)

2. Once you have entered your unique aceess code you will be greated by the standard layout which functions and operates exatly the same as the 'Print Shop' section of this website. Click the link below to be taken to the public print shop:

Print Shop

3. One noticeable differance between the public print shop, and the client area is the wider range of options regarding print sizes. The image below shows an example of the vast array of options avaiable in the drop-down menu. Notice how some options are written in a bold font? These are the options that do not require the image to be cropped, for an easier ordering experience you can select these and not have to worry about the next steps regarding how to crop the image. If however you would like a certain size image, prehaps for a frame you already have, then you can select any size you please however you will have to adjust the crop of the image or your print will come back weirdly cropped.


Refer to the "How Do I Crop Images" section within this FAQ for a detailed walkthrough of how to do this.


How Do I Crop Images?

Cropping Images:


Be aware that the prices quoted within the screenshots on this section are entirely arbitrary and only there for demonstration purposes

Im going to use as many pictures here as possible to make this as easy as possible to follow. Don't be intimidated as it is quite easy. I am doing this on a desktop computer however the process is very similar on a mobile, although it may look a little bit different to the screenshots I am providing. Whilst possible to use a mobile device (such as a mobile phone or tablet) to do this, I would still suggest using a laptop or desktop, just to make life easier.

1. Once you have decided upon an image you like choose the size you want from the drop down menu (If the size is written in a bold font you won't have to crop it).  The image below shows an example of what this drop down menu looks like, notice how the 6X4 options are all in bold? These options do not reqire any crop. If you are on a mobile device (phone or tablet) you do not get this distinction hence why it is easier to make an order from a computer.

2. For this example Im going to select a 6X6 size and click the "Place order button". I am now taken directly to the shopping basket (as pictured below). Notice how the "Thumnail" of the image I'm trying to order has two red lines on it? These show where the image will be cropped, by defualt the sides of the image are cropped off however this is not always the best option for a photo. 

3. To adjust the crop on this image we are going to select the "Click to crop this image" button, this pointed to on the image below with a red arrow.

4. A full screen representation of the image with the red lines now appears on your screen (Pictured below). Notice how the part of the image withing the red lines is brighter than the outside? This represents what section of the photo will actually be printed.

There are also 3 buttons within this are:

  • The change crop size button (Located on the bottom right red line, looks like a grey square with two arrows pointing outward). If you click and drag this you can make the crop larger or smaller. 
  • The "No Crop (Fit)" button located just abvove the "Done" button on the right hand side of the screen. Do not use this button as it will make the full photo fit into the crop but leave you with horrible white bars on your print. If you accidently press this button it will be replaced by a button called "Crop tool". Click this and it will return you to normal.
  • The "Done" button. Simply click this when your finished cropping the image.

5. To actually crop the image simply drag the bright area around and use the crop size button to change the size of the crop. In the image below you can see I have moved the crop to the far left and made it slighly smaller.

6. Once your happy with your selection press the "Done" button and you will be returned to your shopping cart. You will now notice theat the "Thumnail" of the image will show red lines around your selected crop. Check this is where you would expect it to be before finishing your order. Below is a comparison between what the shopping basket image thumbnail looked like before we croped the image and after we cropped the image:

Below is the original thumbnail before we cropped it:     And this is the new thumbnail after we cropped it:


7. If you want to add more images to your shopping basket then click "continue shopping" to return to the print shop and repeated the above process as required. Then checkout when you are ready.

Do I Have To Crop Images?

No. If you select image size options from the dropdown menu that are in BOLD FONT then you will not have to crop anything.

Why Can't I Order From The Client Area & The Public Print Shop At The Same Time???

Unfortunately the system I am currently using does not allow orders from these two separate areas. I am trying to fix this however as of the current moment you cannot add items from the print shop to a shopping basket with items from a private client collection.

I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.


CONTACT DETAILS  - tel: 01234 567 899

If you still have queries or would like to discuss booking a photo session please get in touch